Yes Deer och Kallerdahl-duo på Lupino Live

torsdag 15 december
LUPINO LIVE är väldigt glada att få presentera de fantastiska banden
YES DEER och KALLERDAHL-Duo på Rönnells Antikvariat!!
Missa inte!
100 pix entré / 80 pix för studenter
Yes Deer makes music through physical and intellectual rituals. We are, as a band, engaged in the friction between intellect and libido, pre and post, and collectivism and individualism. The sound can be described as a massive cacophony of writhing textures, manic hammering and distorted screeching, or as the sound of enthusiastic despair.
We started the band in 2010 and since then we have been touring in Scandinavia and in Europe. Our first album, ‘The Talk of Tennis’ was released on Gaffer Records on May 1st 2014, and now we have our second album, “Get Your Glitter Jacket” out as a joined release by Insula Music and Gaffer Records.
Karl Bjorå – guitar
Anders Vestergaard – drums
Signe Dahlgreen – saxophone
//////////////// http://abstract-tits.com/yesdeer ///////////
Lindha Kallerdahl-Röst
Fabian Kallerdahl-Piano
Två Göteborgslegender i exklusivt duoformat!
Lindha Kallerdahl (GOLD m.m.):
Lindha is considered one of the most important and groundbreaking singers on the Swedish jazz and improvisation scene and teaches at the conservatory in Göteborg. The force and energy that comes from being honest to the soul and the heart as well as to the music itself is Lindha’s big strength.
Fabian Kallerdahl (MusicMusicMusic m.m.)
En av de stora jazzpianisterna. Fabian är och har varit verksam i en rad konstellationer under sin karriär, egna trion MusicMusicMusic och :NU för att nämna några. Fabian är känd för sitt uttrycksfulla spel och rymtiska kreativitet både som pianist och kompositör.
I samarbete med Rönnells Vänner, Studiefrämjandet, Stockholms stad, Kulturrådet och Humlegården Fastigheter.