Releasekonsert för Finn Loxbo Kommuns Ephemeralds

tisdag 30 maj
19-21 (insläpp 18:30)
Entré 120:-, inget förköp.
Releasekonsert för skivan Ephemeralds framförd av kvartetten Kommun, som består av
Finn Loxbo – gitarr
Lisa Ullén – piano
Ryan Packard – slagverk
Ville Bromander – Bas
Skivan gavs ut under våren på John Chantlers nystartade bolag Fönstret och har bl.a. fått följande fina omdömen:
” A strange and compelling listen”—Antonio Poscic, The Quietus.
”Every utterance feels borne of heightened listening.” — Peter Margasak, Nowhere Street
Lyssna här: https://finnloxbo.bandcamp.com/album/ephemeralds
Ephemeralds is the first record by Finn Loxbo’s new ensemble and marks a distinct development in the guitarist’s compositional practice. Performing together with pianist Lisa Ullén, kontrabassist Vilhelm Bromander and percussionist Ryan Packard, Loxbo has set up a situation of intense focus, dissolving individual identities into a collective sound world of resolute clarity. Each musician manipulates a collection of tightly stipulated pitch material whilst bringing the shared timbral qualities of each instrument into close proximity. Uniquely, this dissolution of identity happens without relying on a blur of sustained tones. The music remains hard. A chiselled, gleaming beauty, but one hung in a precarious assemblage of rhythmic co-dependence. With Ephemeralds, the act of listening both invokes and displaces our memories, phrases and combinations slip away at the very point they coalesce.
Foto: Isabel Gustavsson-Ny
I samarbete med Fönstret, Rönnells Vänner, Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Humlegården Fastigheter.