Release för fyra böcker om Leif Elggrens arbete av Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg på Firework Edition

lördag 24 september
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You are cordially invited to the official presentation celebration of A Work by Leif Elggren A Day, featuring an interview, some words from the author and by Leif Elggren. Copies of A Work by Leif Elggren A Day will be on hand for purchase and signing by the artist and the author.
A Work by Leif Elggren A Day – The Almanac brings together episodic poetic writings by Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg shedding light and insights, reason and unreason, fact and possibly fiction on the works of Leif Elggren.
With 300 entries, this catalog and almanac presents an analysis and projection of possibilities, of possibly ways of hearing, seeing, experiencing and living with Elggren’s art on the basis of a work a day, excluding Sundays and holidays, for a whole year.
Sven Schlijper-Karssenberg was born in 1976. From an early age he has been a voracious reader and ardent bibliophile. He now lives in Amsterdam, with his wife Gerliene and cat Twombly. The couple avidly collects art. The enjoy a collection including works by Bruce Nauman, Stéphanie Saadé, Richard Serra, Sophie Reinhold and Lawrence Weiner, plus some 350+ works by Leif Elggren. Sven wrote hundreds of articles on music, numerous essays for contemporary artists and he provided sleeve words for Zeno van den Broek’s ’Breach’ record. Sven is the KREV Minister of the Collecting of Collections and the KREV Minister of Knockouts.
The almanac in and of itself aims to be another instigator or generative element in the body of work of Leif Elggren: a guided tour of the oeuvre, a collector’s catalog, an exhibition check list and above all: a booklet to carry with you, daily, full of comfort, bliss, poetics, love, wonder and solace.
Over the course of four volumes, A Work by Leif Elggren A Day is a display of living with the works of King Leif on a daily basis, recounting how everyday life is changed and enhanced, aided, guided, influenced by art and the appreciation thereof – the standing still for more than an instant and moving on a changed person, for the better and the best, finding a new and hitherto uncharted territory of holos, synchronicity, openness – the reverse and inverse of secrecy, borderline-less living without boundaries – sights set to endless horizons, indeterminate immortalities and possibilities as of yet unknown.
For Leif Elggren doesn’t shout boldly, he moves in more agile, hushed ways, not veiled but his signature defies instant gratification by offering direct access through often apparently the simplest of means only to usher us into a world where sophisticated seemingly alien languages are spoken, resonating still with a form of innate familiarity and natural logic, a shard of the holos, a pars pro toto at every instance, and per se the toto and the holos in and of itself too, bringing forth the totality and universal, the power of the elemental and the fundamental in each and everyone, everything and everywhere: endless.
A Work by Leif Elggren A Day: a treat, a testament to the creative spirit, a wonder for the living. A cabinet of wonder. And of bliss.
A Work by Leif Elggren A Day – a compass aiming for the true North (always protected) – as one does, consists of four volumes. There are two text parts, each featuring 150 chapters and there are two accompanying volume, appendices, featuring the images to the texts.
The four volume book set will be sold as a set only from 24 Sept 2022.
I samarbete med Firework Edition, Rönnells Vänner, Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Humlegården Fastigheter.