Mats Gustafsson och Leif Elggren gör ännu en arbetsdag på Rönnells för att bekämpa dumheterna i världen.

torsdag 16 november
Fri entré, ingen föranmälan krävs.
Mats Gustafsson and Leif Elggren are creating free sounds to eliminate
the horrible injustice and brutality in the world. Two working days (full
day concerts) at two different antiquarian bookshops in Stockholm 2023:
Rönnells Antikvariat, Birger Jarlsgatan 32, November 16, 10.00-18.00,
Hundörat, Grindsgatan 31, November 17, 12.00-18.00.
In 2002, due to the terribly escalating cruelty on this planet, we performed
two working days in two antiquarian bookshops in Stockholm, two places
representing the free word, the free mind and the access to it. We used
different sounding instruments, both electronic and analogue, for to create
sound, or music if you want. We wanted to influence but failed to create a
better balance in the world with our work, so now it is time for two new
attempts. We don’t give up, we don’t give down. For two days we will make
small (free) sounds to eliminate the brutal and unequal situation in this world.
Will this be enough?
Special thanks to Peter Bodén and Pekka Särkiniemi.
I samarbete med Rönnells Vänner, Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Humlegården Fastigheter.