Live! Gwenifer Raymond (UK)

fredag 10 december
19-21 (insläpp 18:30)
Gwenifer Raymond began playing guitar at the age of eight shortly after having been first exposed to punk and grunge. After years of playing around the Welsh valleys in various punk outfits she began listening more to pre-war blues musicians as well as Appalachian folk players, eventually leading into the guitar players of the American Primitive genre.
She released her sophomore LP Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain at the end of 2020 to rapturous response. Her debut You Never Were Much Of A Dancer emerged on Tompkins Square to the same response in 2018. She has found herself equally embraced by fans of old-west and equally, by left-field/experimental audiences.
Appearances throughout the UK and the EU as well as the US marks her out as one to watch.
‘Just about anybody with an interest in the new school of American primitive will tell you that Welsh guitarist Gwenifer Raymond is one of its most promising proponents’
– Stereogum
‘On an album richly influenced by her birth country, she tries to invent a new style: Welsh primitive, she calls it, infused with folk horror, conjuring up coal trains steaming along the foot of her garden and tall, eerie trees, black against the grey sky’
– the Guardian
Om Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain i DN 17 januari 2021 av Magnus Säll:
“Gwenifer Raymond från Wales ägnar sig åt att förvalta och utveckla den speciella musik som döpts till American primitive. Det är egensinnig och trolsk musik för akustisk sologitarr och vars rötter går djupt ner i gammal deltablues och annan amerikansk folkmusik. Genren skapades av den excentriske John Fahey på 1950-talet.
Den 35-åriga dataspelsprogrammeraren Raymond är den just nu förmodligen främsta arvtagaren. På uppföljaren till hennes hyllade debut är kompositionerna djärvare och mer komplexa. ”Gwaed am gwaed” får mig att tänka på Nirvana. I den frenetiska, duellsnabba ”Hell for certain” märks det att hon började som punkmusiker. Mest stämningsskapande är den ödsliga ”Worn out blues”. Med sin både ruffiga och raffinerade fingerpickin’-teknik spelar Gwenifer Raymond fram bilder av knotiga ekar och kråkor som flaxar mot en hotfull himmel.”
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