Konsert Fred Frith / Susana Santos Silva / Sten Sandell

söndag 20 maj
kl 19 (insläpp 18.45, konsertstart 19.15)
150 kr
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trumpetaren susana santos silva (www.susanasantossilva) och pianisten sten sandell (www.stensandell) möter legendaren och gitarristen fred frith (ex. henry cow) för ett musikaliskt möte på rönnells antikvariat.
sten: kretsen kring robert wyatt och henry cow (där fred frith ingick) blev ett avgörande möte för mig och min fortsatta musikverksamhet på mitten av sjuttiotalet, och är så fortfarande. den felande länken mellan popmusik och konstmusik.
susana: i met Fred Frith in 2012 in Porto where we worked for some days and played a concert. That was a very important meeting for my development as a musician free of preconceived ideas. Since then I was part of 2 different projects led by Fred Frith and it has been greatly inspiring for me to work with him.
fred frith: I’m a songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist(bass, keyboards, violin) and an improviser performing mostly on various permutations of the electric and acoustic guitar.
Occasionally I use crude home-made string instruments of my own invention. I learned how to compose in rock bands, starting with Henry Cow in 1968. This meant writing for and with people that I knew, and then arriving at the final result through a collective rehearsal process.
During the Henry Cow years I fell in love with the recording studio and its endless possibilities. I embrace the idea of the “work” as an unfinished and constantly mutating entity. Collaboration, improvisation, sculpting sound in the studio, and treating composition as an open-ended process remain central to how I make music.
I samarbete med Rönnells Vänner, Studiefrämjandet, Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Humlegården Fastigheter.