Jazzkonsert med The Electrics

lördag 11 oktober
Det är med spänning och nyfikenhet som Rönnells Antikvariat presenterar The Electrics, denna internationellt välrenommerade ensemble som med lika delar elegans och chockerande otvungenhet rör sig mellan den samtida musikens mest elektrifierade poler!
Sture Ericson – sax, klarinett
Joe Wiliamson – bas
Raymond Strid – trummor
”It’s a total music conception fully realised by highly skilled players who impose no limits on their instruments.” Julian Cowley, The Wire
”This is certainly that edge-of-your-seat sort of excitement where all you know is that something incredible is in store yet you never know which direction they will head into next.” Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery New York City
Slutligen, med Axel Dörners egna ord:
”The Electrics is one of the few ensembles I’m playing where it is possible to mix more pitch oriented music and rhythms of traditional jazz with music where the focus is mainly on the sound itself. The music can change very quickly and requires the highest concentration and the ability to change direction at any time without losing the overwiew.”
Entré: 100 kr
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I samarbete med Rönnells Vänner, Studiefrämjandet, Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Humlegården Fastigheter.