3 konserter! Yokada – Scholz – Högberg

måndag 28 maj
VI FIRAR nedkomsten av ”stillness & sirens” på disorder!
skivan är signerad post-bop-trion yokada – johan berthling (bas), johan holmegard (trummor) och alex zethson (piano) – som tillika gör konsertdebut som trio i stockholm!
ett smakprov från skivan finns här: https://soundcloud.com/zethson
därtill bjuder kvällen på ytterligare två set musik från två fabulösa musiker, nämligen kristine scholz, och anna högberg, som spelar varsitt soloset!
insläpp: 18.45
första set ca 19.00
entré 100 kr
CD: specialpris kvällen till ära – 100 kr !
OM SKIVAN ”stillness & sirens” från pressreleasen:
stillness and sirens is the debut album from piano trio yokada (Johan Berthling: bass, Johan Holmegard: drums, Alex Zethson: piano). Influenced by 60’s postbop and variated strands of experimental jazz, the trio performs compositions by pianist and composer Alex Zethson, who can also be heard in Angles 9, Fire! Orchestra, Goran Kajfeš Tropiques and other ensembles.
The musicians’ experience with different idioms of improvised music – not least so-called free improv and experimental jazz – are channeled into compositional framworks in this context. Interplay and listening happen mainly within predefined harmonic, melodic and rhythmic structures. The composers’ ambition was to make compositions where a flowing musical space could be explicated from within the pieces, and through the trios’ dedication to the limitations of the material – rather then making compositions that would serve just as springboards, or as material to depart or break away from. This creates a creative tension, pushes the idioms and makes audible a jazz music that doesn’t sound like any other jazz music today!
These sounds were created during two spring days, and came into being through close intra-activity with the beautiful handcraft of sound and recording engineers Andreas Werliin and Anton Sundell. Their work, together with the mix by Werliin and splendid mastering by Jonas Kullhammar, has produced a warm, analogue sounding record, intimate and atmospheric. It comes in a sturdy digisleeve with wonderful artwork by michell ellipsis.
The compositions were written during a relatively short time span, and are somewhat mystically connected – perhaps to be heard as parts of the same overall piece. The record travels from the harmonically unstable jazz ballad of ”cloudspotting”; to the meditative potential of the modal ”marbles”; and to the closing song, the bouncy ”repeat, dance, forget”; with a theme influenced by the songs of Herbie Nichols, followed by a harmonically open improvisation where melodic, coleman-esque right hand lines on the piano evolve together with dynamically swinging bass and drums.
”faceless” is a burning hommage to Andrew Hill and ”every impossible revolution” is, within the form of d-minor blues, an intense call for love, its title a quote from the ever-brilliant author and film-maker Marguerite Duras: a response to the question of her belief. ”portrait of a portrait” is a triptyck, where the second part gazes at a recurring bass ostinato, perhaps also transforming it. ”henry’s vacation” is an uncanny and slightly stupid nod to David Lynch’s 1977 masterpiece ”Eraserhead”.
All in all, this is seven tracks of risky post-bop. Jazz where the improvisations are close to the structures of the songs. It is music with a taste of yesterday, of today, and of a future free from and neoliberal viruses. Off with your earlids!
I samarbete med Thanatosis produktion, Rönnells Vänner, Studiefrämjandet, Kulturrådet, Stockholms stad och Humlegården Fastigheter.